Where can I buy Kids Said I Said Notebook?
Click here to locate the retailer nearest you. Canadian residents can also buy Kids Said I Said Notebook in our online store. Amazon.com or Amazon.ca also carry our product.
What languages do Kids Said I Said Notebook come in?
English only. Or Chinese-English
How many pages are in the Kids Said I Said Notebook?
80 pages, plus 2 photo windows
What is the weight of Kids Said I Said Notebook?
0.7 lbs
What size is Kids Said I Said Notebook?
18.5cm x 13cm x 2cm
Do you offer gift wrapping, gift cards or gift certificates?
Unfortunately, we don’t offer gift wrapping at this time.
I’d like to carry Mommy Brain Creatives products in my store.
That’s great! If you’re a retailer and would like information on carrying Kids Said I Said Notebook in your store, please email us at info@mommybraincreatives.com.